Package 'wilcoxmed'

Title: Computes Values for the 1-Sample Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test for Medians
Description: An implementation of the 1-Sample Wilcoxon Sign rank test for medians. It includes 2 functions, W_stat(), which computes the exact probabilities of the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test Statistic, W. The second function, Wilcox.m.test() allows the user to conduct the 1-Sample Wilcoxon Sign Rank hypothesis test for medians, this also allows the user to conduct the hypothesis test for the normal approximation.
Authors: Dion Kwan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dion Kwan <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.0.1
Built: 2025-02-17 04:29:11 UTC

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Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test Statistic Exact Distribution


This function allows the user to find the probability values from the exact distribution of W, Bickel and Doksum(1973). The exact P(W=x), P(W<=x), P(W>=x) values is found via an exhaustive enumeration of the possible permutations of data with size n.


W_stat(n , test_stat, side = c('geq','leq','eq'))



Size of data or Number of observations


The x value specified in P(W=x), P(W<=x), P(W>=x)


The tails of exact probability the user wants to compute e.g. 'eq' = P(W=x), 'leq' = P(W<=x), 'geq' = 'P(W>=x)


The exact probability values as specified.


W_stat(n=5, test_stat = 3, side = 'leq')

1-Sample Wilcoxon Sign Rank Hypothesis Test for Medians


This function allows the user to conduct the 1-Sample Wilcoxon Sign Rank Hypothesis Test for Medians using the probability values from the exact distribution of W, Bickel and Doksum(1973).


Wilcox.m.test(dat, m_h0, alpha = 0.05,
alternative=c('greater', 'lesser', 'noteq'), normal_approx=F)



data vector relating to the sample the user is performing the hypothesis test for


The value of the median as specified by the null hypothesis H_0


The significance level of the hypothesis test (default = 0.05)


The sign of the alternative hypothesis. e.g 'greater' - H_1:m>m_h0 , 'lesser' - H_1:m<m_h0, 'noteq' - H_1:m!=m_h0


Should the normal approximation test be applied? (default = F)


This hypothesis test allows breaking of ties, and the number of ties broken is also reflected in the printed results.


Prints out the results of the tests, and returns 3 values- test statistic, p-value, and the significance level of the test, alpha

See Also

Wilcox.test() for the same tests applied to 2 sample problems but is not able to break ties


Given some data: 3, 4, 7, 10, 4, 12, 1, 9, 2, 15
If we want to test the hypotheses H_0: m=5 against H_1: m>5
without using normal approximation:
vec = c(3, 4, 7, 10, 4, 12, 1, 9, 2, 15)
res = Wilcox.m.test(dat = vec, m_h0 = 5,
alternative = 'greater', normal_approx = F)

If we want to apply the normal approximation(Z-test), with the same hypotheses:
res = Wilcox.m.test(dat = vec, m_h0 = 5,
alternative = 'greater', normal_approx = T)